For the latest updates follow our social media channels!
Did you know?
Your gift to CISV Cincinnati could be matched dollar for dollar by your employer. Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match any charitable contributions or volunteer hours made by their employees, retirees and/or employees’ spouses. Find out if your employer has a matching gift program today! Donate Here
President’s Message
Note from the president:
We are ramping up for our events this spring and summer, and the chapter need YOU to make it a successful CISV year!
In just one short month we are hosting our fundraiser at the Kenwood Theatre! There will be food, CISV stories and silent auction! Make sure to get your ticket today! You can find the ticket link right here in the newsletter.
This summer we are hosting a Step Up once again at Seven Hills. Mark your calendars already now for Set up, June 27, and Tear down July 20th. We also need host families for our incoming delegations the weekend of June 28-30, let us know if you can host a delegation at your house!
The JB is excited for RMC next weekend and are welcoming JB’ers from chapters in Ohio, Indiana and Michigan!
Many thanks for all you are doing to support peace, understanding, and global friendship through CISV!
We are starting to plan the camp we are hosting right here in Cincinnati this summer! We are looking for volunteers to be our Homestay Coordinator and Arrival/Departure Coordinator. If this sounds like something you want to do, reach out to
As always, we need volunteers during camp to help out with laundry, dinner clean up, camp set up/tear down and more and of course, host families! Let us know how you can help!
The first Step Up planning meeting is March 18th, 7pm, 3950 Red Bud Ave.
RSVP to Arnita: 513-600-9709.
JB Cincinnati Updates
Be sure to follow us on our Instagram @cisvcincinnati_jb. We use the app Remind to communicate with JB. Here we send out info on activities, service projects, and more. To sign up, put the link below in a web browser on a phone or computer: