Volunteer Survey CISV Cincinnati Volunteer Survey Thank you for your interest in volunteering with CISV Cincinnati. We are thrilled to have you! Please take a moment to tell us more about you. Email Address* Name* First Last Neighborhood / City of Residence*Age Group* Under 21 21 - 35 35 - 50 50+ What is your profession?*Besides your profession, what are some areas of expertise?*Is anything you would like to work on outside of your work or areas of expertise?*Why are you interested in volunteering for CISV Cincinnati?*What kind of time commitment can you make to CISV Cincinnati?* One or two one-day projects a year A few small projects a year Light committee work scattered throughout the year (a few hours a month) Leading a committee or major project (several hours a month to a few hours a week) Serving as a board member (a few hours a week) I am interested in staffing/leading a program! What is your preferred mode of engagement?* I like to attend in-person events in the Cincinnati area I prefer to work over email I'm happy to be in touch over the phone I prefer to do behind the scenes work (website, data, organizational) What are some projects that you are interested in?* International Program management: recruitment, interviews, communication w/ families Local project management: Mosaic, Minicamp Junior Branch: Helping to organize local JB activities or advise Fundraising/Grants Logistics: Flights, bus coordination Events: Location scouting, Marketing, Scheduling, RSVP's Chapter Development: Community Outreach, Diversity & Inclusion, Partnerships, Training Staffing/Leading Programs Being a Host Family for incoming CISVers Please use this space to tell us anything we missed, talk about your availability, describe your dream project, or just say hello!!!CAPTCHANameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.